Jessamine County Quilt Trail Logo

Jessamine County

Bringing the fabric of Jessamine County to a visual awareness through a family of quilts.

Nominate a Quilt Square and family Tradition

The Heritage
In addition to creating beautiful public art, the Jessamine County Quilt Trail will also provide an oral history to our project.  Perhaps you have a wedding quilt in your possession that was presented to you by your grandmother who makes one for each child married into the family.  She lovingly crafts one for each child born into that family, maybe  several generations of quilters worked on that quilt.  Perhaps your great grandmother recycled old dresses into beautiful and useful quilts. These are the stories that will make our trail a great success.

Selection Committee
A committee will collect all nominations for quilt squares and locations.  The application process is simple, we need to know what the quilt square will look like and the history that goes with it.  Once selected, the committee will contact you to gather more information.  We will ask the family to participate in an oral history for the CD.  The actual placement of the square will be based on availability of locations. Barn owners may provide their own quilt squares and history for use on their barn. 


This web site will grow as the Quilt Trail grows. Please check back often and check our progress.


Email this information to Nominate a quilt square.


Your Name


Phone / Email

Tell us your family quilting story that you would like to share with the commuity. Include a drawing or picture of the family quilt.


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